The GDPR celebrates its sixth anniversary

The GDPR celebrates its sixth anniversary, and the impact of this regulation is undeniably significant. It has transformed the global data protection landscape, giving people more say and holding organizations more accountable for protecting personal data. The most notable results can be summarized as follows:

  • Increased awareness and importance of data protection

One of the most remarkable changes following the GDPR is the increased awareness of the need for data protection. The GDPR started a global conversation about the protection of personal data, and people now have a better understanding of their rights, leading to greater transparency among companies and public authorities.

  • Stronger rights

The GDPR has significantly increased individuals’ rights regarding their personal data. In addition to the right to access their data and ask who processes it and on what legal basis, the regulation established the “right to be forgotten,” giving people better opportunities to have their data erased by data processors under certain circumstances.

  • Stricter consent requirements

The GDPR established stricter rules for obtaining consent for personal data processing. Organizations must ensure that when using consent as the legal basis for processing personal data, it is collected in a clear, voluntary, specific, informed, and unambiguous manner. This change has led to more transparent consent practices and more informed consent giving.

  • Accountability

The GDPR strongly emphasizes accountability, holding organizations more specifically responsible for processing personal data. Data processors are required to implement appropriate security measures, conduct data protection impact assessments, and appoint data protection officers when necessary. This change has encouraged organizations to adopt a privacy by design mindset, creating more privacy-friendly products and services.

  • Global impact

Although the GDPR is a European regulation, its impact has reached far beyond the European Union. Many countries worldwide have adopted similar regulations or amended their data protection laws to align with GDPR principles. Additionally, non-EU companies must comply with GDPR rules if they want to offer their products and services in the EU market.

  • Stricter requirements for data breaches

The GDPR imposed strict requirements on organizations to quickly notify about data breaches. As a result, awareness and transparency regarding data breaches have increased, enabling people to take necessary precautions when their personal data is at risk. Organizations are motivated to invest more in cybersecurity measures to reduce the risk of breaches and protect personal data.

  • Impact on business operations

The GDPR has significantly changed how companies collect, process, and store personal data. Companies have had to review and update their data protection policies, implement stricter security measures, and train employees on data protection. While these changes initially presented challenges, they have promoted a culture of responsible data processing and helped build public trust.

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