Outsourced DPO

Who is a Data Protection Officer?

A data protection officer (DPO) is the “guardian” of all personal data within your business, from customers’ data to employees’ personal information. They help to ensure it is collected, stored, and used responsibly in compliance with the GDPR and other data protection regulations.

At the same time, they are your link to supervisory authorities. This is why it’s crucial to have a DPO and, most importantly, the right one.

Read more from HERE.

Do these problems sound familiar?

  • Juggling data protection regulations with your core operations and struggling to stay compliant?
  • Spending hours trying to be GDPR-compliant without having an actual understanding of what needs to be done?
  • Data protection compliance inefficiencies due to employees having to take on Data Protection Officer (DPO) tasks in addition to their principal duties? As well as the associated employee burn-out.
  • Employees whom you trained on data protection compliance quitting and moving to other companies where they put everything learnt to use?
  • Having no specified person to interact with the supervisory authority when the need arises?
  • Wanting to appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO) per Article 37 of the GDPR but unable to find qualified and competent individuals?
  • Huge sums spent paying in-house DPOs full-time salaries without actually seeing any results?
  • Weak communication between your personal data unit and other departments such as IT, marketing, and HR, leading to incomplete Records of Processing Activities (RoPA)?

We understand and are here to help!

Our team of experts will work closely with you to ensure full GDPR compliance while also freeing up your time and resources for other necessities.

Why go for Hedman’s Outsourced DPO?

  • A tailored approach to meet the specific needs of your company or project;
  • Proactive data protection management and risk assessment;
  • Timely response in case of data breaches;
  • Personalised staff training on data protection and regulations;
  • Constant support from certified (CIPP/E) professionals with over 10 years of experience with companies of diverse sizes and in numerous industries;
  • An outsourced partner that fits better than a full-time employee/in-house data privacy expert;
  • We use first-class digital tools such as our custom-developed GDPR Register!

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the appointment of a DPO mandatory?

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), appointing a Data Protection Officer (DPO) is mandatory in three specific scenarios outlined in Article 37(1):

  1. Public Authority or Body: When the processing of data is carried out by a public authority or body.
  2. Regular and Systematic Monitoring: When the core activities of a controller or processor involve the regular and systematic monitoring of data subjects on a large scale. This includes all forms of tracking and profiling on the internet, such as for behavioral advertising, as mentioned in Recital 24 GDPR. It also applies to monitoring outside the online environment.
  3. Large-scale Processing of Special Categories of Data: When the core activities of a controller or processor involve large-scale processing of special categories of data under Article 9 GDPR or data relating to criminal convictions and offenses under Article 10 GDPR. This includes data that requires higher protection due to its sensitive nature.

What are the key responsibilities of a DPO?

A Data Protection Officer (DPO) has several key responsibilities under the GDPR:

  • Monitoring Compliance: Ensuring the organization adheres to GDPR regulations and internal data protection policies.
  • Advising on Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs): Providing guidance on conducting DPIAs to assess risks associated with data processing activities.
  • Cooperating with Supervisory Authorities: Acting as the contact point for data protection authorities and cooperating during investigations.
  • Raising Awareness and Training: Educating staff about data protection obligations and promoting a culture of data privacy.
  • Handling Data Subject Access Requests: Managing and responding to requests from data subjects regarding their rights under GDPR.

Contact us

Please do not hesitate to ask us a question or book an (online) meeting.

We would be thrilled to get to know you and are excited about introducing ourselves.

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