Hedman Partners advised angel investors investing in a cold medication manufacturer

Hedman Partners helped investors belonging to the Estonian Business Angels Association EstBAN to allocate 85 thousand euros into a health technology start-up company Capster that develops innovative solution for effective cold treatment.

Investment was put together by seven investors, three of which are members of the Business Angels Association EstBAN to where Hedman Partners belongs as well. Capster’s development stage product enables science-based, but natural treatment method that helps treating chronic, allergic as well as seasonal colds.

The transaction was advised by Hedman Partners partner and attorney-at-law Merlin Salvik and attorney Toomas Seppel.

More details about the transaction can be found in the Äripäev newspaper – http://www.aripaev.ee/uudised/2015/06/25/eesti-nohuravim-sai-stardikapitali

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